Just over a month since my last post to this board - and the club has gone red! Remember when this story broke? Just an hour after the play-off defeat to West Ham. And at the time we all thought it was a late April fool joke. But it wasn’t - it’s real. In exchange for an approximately £100million pound investment in our club, our Malaysian owners want us to be “re-branded” and play in red. The result - outrage and in-fighting! After a month of uncertainty and posturing, it was finally decided to proceed with this course of action yesterday. It became so big, that at one point Cardiff City and the Bluebirds were trending worldwide on Twitter!
Like just about every other fan, I want the investment and to stay blue. However, sometimes you just can’t have everything you want. I am sure I am in the majority when I say that I will grudgingly “Accept” the change to red in exchange for the financial stability that an investment of this size brings. The football authorities are beginning to tighten up on profligate clubs, and the Financial Fair Play rules which start next season are a part of that. The chance to start from a debt free position in this financial climate is too good to turn down.
Don’t call me a sell-out - call me a realist. Let’s look forward, not back. After all, it is more than 50 years since we were in the top flight of English football. This could be our chance to get back there.
My seat is just above the “A” - will it soon be red not blue?
Right - the decision has been made. We all wanted to stay blue, but for the time being its not going to happen. We can't always get what we want in life, and we all have to compromise. So let's move on. We can always try to get the blue shirt back at a later date.
Red kit apart, it is quite exciting to be involved in something new - I'm pretty sure I'm right in saying that this hasn't been tried on such a big scale before with such a big club before. And what if it works? What if it is the impetus that propels Cardiff City to the top level of club football? This could be fantastic!
Of course, it could all go badly wrong. If we thought Dave Jones was under pressure to get promotion, just think of the amount of pressure that Malky is under! I think that there are many people who are more afraid of us being successful wearing red than failing wearing blue, and this is essentially wrong. But I respect their point of view, and I won't hurl abuse at them if they don't hurl abuse at me!
A couple of my non-bluebirds supporting friends asked me whether I would wear the red shirt next season, and the answer is , YES!. Now the decision has been made, then we ALL have to get behind every aspect of the club, not just the bits we like, and wearing a red home shirt shows our support to THE PLAYERS and therefore to the club as a whole.I don’t like the thought of us not playing in blue, but I’ll go with it to foster some unity and support towards the TEAM.
I suspect that there are no half measures here - this will either be a spectacular success or a disastrous failure - but what a ride we're going to have! Its an opportunity that virtually every club outside the Premier League would love to get a shot at!